Friday, April 17, 2009

Locals Slippers

Calling all Anties and Uncles- Motu Hawaii get plenty Locals!!!!!! Just to let you all know what's up, we (at Motu) try our best to keep all your favorite items stocked. With that being said, we can order the things you love, but it doesn't mean we going get'em. In this case, we've been short Locals for a few months, plus some more months due to a "Locals shortage" in HI.

BUT who cares about that now cuz we get'em, and we're expecting more to come through so that we're stocked through the hot summer season. We also ordered some "Surfah" slippers for all you that like that softer more cusion kine feel.

Guarantee these will sell out quick so we hope to see you sooner.

For directions and store hours click this sentence.

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